
Beyond Blue: helping Australians achieve their best possible mental health
Hoyle Da Silva Lawyers are proud to support Beyond Blue in their endeavour to promote mental health and wellbeing throughout our community.

Modern Slavery: Australia takes action
Find out how the introduction of Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 has created a new way of thinking.

Grow a Mo for men's health
Throughout November, Movember challenges men to grow a moustache to raise money and awareness for men's health.

Getting admitted to practice during a global pandemic
Lawyer Suvetha Srikantha talks about her challenge of getting admitted to practice during COVID-19.

Landmark insurance payout awarded to former AFL player Shaun Smith
Retired AFL player Shaun Smith received $1.4 million in a landmark insurance payout due to head knocks received during his football career.

Every girl deserves an education
Read about One Girl's mission to provide girls with the education they deserve.

Litigation by Webex, Zoom and Teams in the COVID-19 era
Presentation by David Carolan, Greens List Barristers, on the future use of technology in the administration of justice in Victorian Courts.

Negotiate, don’t procrastinate: Pick up the phone
Adopt a commercial approach to litigation to achieve satisfactory outcomes for both parties.

McDonald’s grill Hungry Jack’s over lookalike burger
McDonald’s Asia Pacific has issued legal proceedings against Hungry Jack’s alleging trade mark infringement.

Supporting our community through safe steps
Hoyle Da Silva is proud to support safe steps in their goal towards eliminating family violence.

ZOE Foundation Australia fights human trafficking
Read how ZOE Foundation Australia helps combat and fight child trafficking and modern day slavery in Australia and South East Asia.

Working from home – the dangers
Companies preparing to offer working from home as a permanent option to their employees may be setting themselves up for litigation.

Working from home – My perspective
COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we work at Hoyle Da Silva. Find out how associate Simon Hill has adapted to his 'new normal'.