
Beyond Blue: helping Australians achieve their best possible mental health
Hoyle Da Silva Lawyers are proud to support Beyond Blue in their endeavour to promote mental health and wellbeing throughout our community.

Getting admitted to practice during a global pandemic
Lawyer Suvetha Srikantha talks about her challenge of getting admitted to practice during COVID-19.

Litigation by Webex, Zoom and Teams in the COVID-19 era
Presentation by David Carolan, Greens List Barristers, on the future use of technology in the administration of justice in Victorian Courts.

Working from home – the dangers
Companies preparing to offer working from home as a permanent option to their employees may be setting themselves up for litigation.

Working from home – My perspective
COVID-19 has significantly changed the way we work at Hoyle Da Silva. Find out how associate Simon Hill has adapted to his 'new normal'.